gina spinelli photography

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Favorite Travel Memories of 2017

2017 was an exciting year for my passport. It might just be the most travel packed year I've ever had, in turn, making it the most challenging, most amazing year I've ever had. Some of my all-time favorite moments and memories were born in 2017, and as I continue to reflect on the year, I really could not be more grateful. Here are some of my very favorite memories of 2017.

Getting engaged in Sicily

Au PAIRING in Catania, Italy

Celebrating Christmas and New Years in Vieques, puerto Rico with my (new!) family

Visiting Chile with brian, and Reuniting with a friend from college

Hiking up Mount Etna

Making friends in Panama City

eating all the seafood on the docks of Venice

Spending my birthday wandering around Rome

Watching the dolphin puppies swim and play off the coast of sicily

Visiting VallETta, Malta

Waking up to this view in Taormina, Italy

Closing the year in Maine